.Chromium plated cylinder

Microscopic metallurgic structure
of chromium coating

 The cylinder produced by us is a hard chromium plating. The chromium layer provides features, such as hardness, durability, corrosion resistance, low friction factor, and so on. It is a very normal surface treatment in the industry. For the chromium plating of cylinder, we have developed several basic specifications for chromium plating layer of cylinder:

  • ■ Most design data of the hardness for chromium plating
      layer on cylinder specify >HV800. Our specifications
      specify HV850~950. In addition to the compliance to
      general requirements, we also consider the abrasion
      conditions of related abrasive objects.

    ■ To cooperate the proceeding grinding or boring processes,
      the chromium plating of cylinder make the relative thickness
      of chromium plating layer more than 0.07 mm. The inner
      stress should be minimized to eliminate the crack due to
      high inner stress.

    ■ A certain porous condition satisfies the oil condition required
      by lubrication for reciprocal movement.